Return From Greece

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Twenty-seven journeyed to Greece, the Greek Isles and Ephesus in Turkey In the Footsteps of St. Paul from September 22 – October 2, 2019. This was an incredible experience of faith, history, culture and tradition which cast a light on the mission travels of St. Paul as well as presenting a challenge to the group to recognize the responsibility of the missionary call given each of us in Baptism. Fr. John was the spiritual guide celebrating daily Mass in the sacred places and with the pilgrims remembering your prayers and petitions throughout the journey. The bible came to life as the group walked the ancient streets of Ephesus, prayed at the river’s edge in Philippi, climbed the heights to the Acropolis and Parthenon in Athens and knelt in the cave of the apocalyptic revelation of St. John on the island of Patmos. The scriptures take on a new meaning after an experience such as this and for the 27, as with St. Paul, the challenge is to now share what they have seen and heard as missionary disciples.