
Altar Servers Return to Ministry.

Pursuant to CDC guidelines and Diocesan directives, Altar servers may now return to ministry. Altar servers under the age of 12 should wear face coverings as suggested by the CDC. To that end, we at Sacred Heart would like to invite new Altar servers and those who have served before...

Stop Your Tax Dollars from Paying for Abortions

A serious effort is underway in Congress to force all taxpayers to pay for elective abortions. The Hyde Amendment and other similar laws have long protected taxpayers from funding elective abortions. Now, powerful members of Congress want to get rid of these laws, which have been supported by both Democrats...

Help Increase Per-Pupil Amounts in our Schools

Governor Murphy announced his proposed Budget for Fiscal Year 2022 on February 23, 2021. The Budget process is now in the hands of the Legislature. We are asking the Legislature for increases in the per-pupil amounts for the nonpublic transportation ceiling and the Nonpublic School Technology Initiative. Specifically, we are...

Equality Act Discriminates Against People of Faith

The Equality Act discriminates against people of faith and threatens unborn life. Tell Senators to oppose it! Everyone deserves to be treated with respect and dignity. The Equality Act, which has now passed the U.S. House of Representatives and is being actively considered in the Senate, in many ways does...

Action Needed to Stop Infanticide

The Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 619) has again been introduced in Congress to protect babies from infanticide. But efforts to bring the bill to a vote in the House are being blocked. Your action is needed to urge your Representative to sign a discharge petition that would allow...

2021 Easter Flower Memorials

Thank you to all who have given to this year's Easter Flower Collection.  Your loved ones, living and deceased, are remembered daily in prayer...