Holy Savior Academy's experienced teachers and engaging curriculum offer children the opportunity to learn and grow in a safe, nurturing, faith-based environment.
2023 Holy Savior Academy Graduation Ceremony
2023 Holy Savior Academy Baccalaureate Mass
Holy Savior Academy Winners of the Earth Day Poster Contest
Right Side Malia Howell (5th grader); Left Side Alexandra German (8th grade) Holy Savior Academy held its 1st Annual Earth Day Poster Contest. The contest opened to HSA students from 3rd to 8th grades with two voting categories. Grammar School (3rd through 5th) and Middle School (6th through 8th). This...
Holy Savior Academy Attends St. Thomas’ Stream Fair
Top row left to right; Mr. Phil Emma, Evan Saravia, Jonathan Klimuc; bottom row left to right; Gail Fernandes, Alexandra German, Sharis Porter Holy Savior Academy was invited to attend St Thomas Aquinas High School’s STREAM Fair held on Friday April 21st. The event allowed students and schools to showcase...
After prayerful discernment, deliberation, and dialog, your pastor Rev. John P. Alvarado, who has devotedly shepherded your parish family since 2000, has asked Bishop Checchio to retire from active priestly ministry. Bishop James has granted Father John's request and thus Fr. John will step down as your pastor, and another...
Annual Lenten Friday Fish Dinner
The South Plainfield Knights of Columbus Council #6203 is once again sponsoring our famous Sacred Heart Parish Lenten Friday Fish Dinner on February 24 & March 3, 10, 17, 24 & 31, in the Holy Savior Academy Cafeteria from 5:00-7:00PM followed by The Stations of the Cross at 7:00PM in...
Christmas Around The Church
Recognize arrival of King of Peace, celebrate it like never before
by Bishop James F. ChecchioDear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christmas is such an important feast day, that the Church says you cannot celebrate it on just one day, so we celebrate the Nativity of Our Lord for a whole week. Our prayers at Mass especially reflect this as we say...
Advent and Christmas Schedule 2022
Celebrate the rich traditions and spiritual treasures of the Seasons of Advent and Christmas with family & friends, at home and in church...