

NOTICE TO ALL PARISHIONERS - This past week several parishioners and parish staffmembers reported to me that they had received bogusemails from “Fr. John Paul Alvarado” presenting anemergency situation and asking for gifts cards and cashto be sent immediately. Online thieves have discoveredlong ago that church groups are easy targets...

We Are Catholic

If you, or someone you know has been away from the Church, invite them home this Lenten season. Ash Wednesday is February 26. Masses at Church of the Sacred Heart will be at 6:30 am, 9:00 am, and 7 pm. Service with ashes is at 4 pm.

CANCELED Friday Fish Dinner

Sacred Heart Parish Lenten Friday Fish Dinners on  2/28, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27, 4/3 in the HSA cafeteria from 5:00 -7:00h.

Word of God Sunday

In an apostolic letter released September 30, 2019 Pope Francis has declared that the 3rd Sunday in Ordinary Time will be devoted to the celebration and study of the Word of God. The document is called Aperuit illis, from its opening words, taken from St. Luke’s Gospel, where the Evangelist...

Music Ministry Concert

Join the Sacred Heart Adult Choir, Children’s Choir, Youth Handbell Choir and Intergenerational Handbell Choir as we present some of our favorite musical pieces including both Sacred Music and Broadway classics.

Holy Savior Academy Open House

Our curriculum at Holy Savior Academy gives your child an education rich in failth, knowledge and service. January 26, 2020 @ 12:30pm - 2:30pm.

Diocesan Youth Day 2020

You’re invited to spend the day, celebrating God’s love for you with your peers at the Diocesan Youth Day. The Diocese of Metuchen’s Office of Youth Ministry will host a Youth Day on Saturday, February 8, 2020 from 1:30 p.m.

Feast of El Santo Nino

Procession of the Families & Santo Ninos - 1:00pm Mass - Fellowship and Food Follow in the School Cafeteria.

Scotland 2020

Visit a working farm and meet a shepherd and his sheepdogs. Reflect at Culloden Battlefield, the site of the half-hour battle that changed history. Discover the remains of a Neolithic village at Skara Brae.

Christmas Concert Thank You and Concert Photos

THANK YOUto all who so generously contributedyour time, talent and financial support to making this year’s Christmas concert a great success with specialgratitude to the ladies of our parishRosary Altar Society.As much as we have enjoyed this 20th year withThe Orchestra of St. Peter by the Seaconducted by Rev. Alphonse...