The soft rustle of silks and feathers, mingling with hushed conversations, was likely the final sound heard by the tragically and unexpectedly deceased at the Billionaires’ Club Annual Masquerade Ball. With every elegant mask concealing a mystery, uncovering the identity of the killer will be no easy feat.The task falls...
Christmas Tribute Trees
This is a wonderful opportunity to honor a loved one (living or deceased), celebrate an organization or group, or share a personal family Christmas greeting on a plaque to be displayed on our real Christmas trees. Each tree, available for $200, will be showcased around the Sacred Heart Campus.The lighted...
Christmas Concert
Open your christmas season with The Orchestra of Saint Peter by the Sea...
Family Oktoberfest
Family Oktoberfest - Food - Music - Beer and More, Food and Beverages Available for Purchase...
Knights of Columbus announce charity fund has surpassed $100 million in grants
The Knights of Columbus Charitable Fund (KCCF) has exceeded $100 million in awards given since the project was founded five years ago, the fraternal organization said in a press release this week.
Pope Francis on Prayer for Creation Day: Caring for the environment is an ‘act of love’
Pope Francis this week called on the faithful to a conversion of heart that extends Christian charity to all of God’s creation and urged them to commit themselves to protecting the environment.
Summer Book Club
Enjoy a good read? Join the parish book club!July: The Miracle of Father Kapaun: Priest,Soldier and Korean War Hero, Roy WenzlAugust: The Story of a Soul: The Autobiography ofSt. Therese of LisieuxDiscussion dates: Tuesday July 30, 7:00pm andTuesday August 20, 7:00pm in the Annex. Hybridmeeting with Zoom and in person...
2024-2025 Religious Education Program
Our Religious Education Program is a flipped classroom approach. Families learn at home electronically, then return to the parish to practice what they are learning about the Faith. In a traditional classroom, the teacher presents material and children go home to practice by completing homework. In the flipped classroom, children...
8th Grade Graduation Celebration at Holy Savior Academy
Holy Savior Academy proudly celebrated the graduation of its 8th-grade students, marking a significant milestone in their academic journey. As a Catholic institution, Holy Savior Academy School is dedicated to the holistic education of each child, addressing their academic, social, spiritual, and emotional development. This year's graduation ceremony highlighted the...
Easter is a time to recall God’s great love for us
by Bishop James F. ChecchioDear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,Alleluia! Christ is risen! He is risen indeed! Around the world we join with our brother and sister Christians proclaiming with joy Jesus Christ’s resurrection from the dead. We exult in the Resurrection because, as St. Peter tells us, Jesus “gave...