The mission Archdiocese of Imphal was erected in 1980 comprising the entire state of Manipur, lies in the Northeast India on the Indo-Myanmar border.
Volunteer Production Assistant
The Church of the Sacred Heart is looking for volunteers for producing our parish live streams, from daily Mass to special events.
Bishop’s Letter on Sentencing of Fr. Haefner and Financial Safeguards
It is not easy to slow ourselves in these days of summer. The summer months may have at one time represented quieted lifestyles and slowed news cycles but now, both seem to be operating at an all-time high, as our minds continuously churn with information about the latest coronavirus updates,...
Celebrating 116 Years of Faith & Family
5:00PM Saturday Vigil, 9:00AM and 11:30AM Sunday
World Day for Grandparents and the Elderly
We Remember, We Believe
Around the world LGBTQ folks, their families and friends celebrate June as month. It may not be shouted from church rooftops but it is surely spoken of in the pews. These days of coming out from COVID isolation have moved the hearts of many people who have been pushed to...
Altar Servers Return to Ministry.
Pursuant to CDC guidelines and Diocesan directives, Altar servers may now return to ministry. Altar servers under the age of 12 should wear face coverings as suggested by the CDC. To that end, we at Sacred Heart would like to invite new Altar servers and those who have served before...
St. Thomas Aquinas Baccalaureate Mass & Graduation
St Thomas Aquinas High School 2021 Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation Ceremony.
St. Joseph HS Graduation & Baccalaureate Mass
Saint Joseph High School 2021 Baccalaureate Mass and Graduation Ceremony.