TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24 7:30pmEcumenical Thanksgiving Service 2020South Plainfield Ecumenical Council of Christian ChurchesClick here to view Thanksgiving ServiceChurch of the Sacred Heart - South PlainfieldFirst Baptist Church of South PlainfieldWesley United Methodist Church - South Plainfield----ORDER OF WORSHIPNovember 24, 2020 7:30p.m.Musical PreludeWelcome Rev. James Lee, Wesley United Methodist ChurchCall to...
Mission Cooperative Appeal
We welcome Rev. M.S. Selva Raj, Mission Director of the Diocese of Kumbakonam, India to speak with us about the missionary activities and challenges the Kumakonam diocese faces. The mission and spiritual prospects of Kumbakonam diocese are bright but its needs are many and pressing. 60% of its Catholics are...
Immigration Services Program Citizenship Day
Are you interested in applying for your US Citizenship and meet one of the following requirements? Click the flyer and schedule a consultation. Flyer
Blessing of the Animals 2020 Photos
Important Letter From Bishop
As Catholics, the burdens of this year compound those of which we were already too keenly aware. The weight of our burdens grew heavy with the astonishing June 2018 announcement of the “credible and substantiated” allegations of child abuse by…
Virtual Halloween Parade
Join the procession of saints and Halloween characters to appear on our parish website. Send us your photos no later than Wednesday 6:00PM, October 28 and we will post them as part of our parish prayer and celebration of All Hallows Eve, the night before All Saints Day. No names...
Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship
Advancing the social mission of the Church, within a culturally diverse community, through education, outreach, policy development, advocacy, and the organization of low-income communities.
SpiritTag – Godparents
In his pastoral concern, Bishop James Checchio has directed a time of sustained prayer during this month of June, dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to bring racial harmony, healing and peace to our nation. I invite you to join us every Friday in the month of June, at...