Lenten Message

My Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,

After Jesus had risen from the dead, He made it very clear that He lived, was not a ghost, but flesh and blood (Luke 24:39-44). As He had eaten and drank with His disciples, so now He was also doing, but something had changed. They were now being challenged to see Him with the eyes of faith and in a new light. They had witnessed His love and mercy. They walked with Him, listened to Him and saw Him die. They had seen and felt the brutality and rejection of those consumed by fear and hatred. What more could there be? And yet, the story was not over. The journey continues and He walks with us still and we too encounter Him in the breaking of the bread (Luke 24:13-31).

Easter is the destination and our faith journey takes us together through Lent. As with creation itself, there is a transformation that we are called to embrace as new life and the power of the Holy Spirit stirs within us … stretching, groaning, yearning for the warmth, light and waters of Spring (Romans 8:19-23). We are like the disciples with Jesus on the road to Emmaus. The COVID experience has left us drained, angry, confused, saddened and uncertain. He is inviting us to trust in Him and to turn to Him with all of the stuff that is going on in our lives. He is our hope. Are we willing to give ourselves to Jesus who feeds us and sends us back to be with one another, to be physically and spiritually reunited with one another?

What we believe and hold in sacred tradition bids us to come forth and express our faith in tangible ways. If we trust as did Peter, John and the women who came to the tomb, then people see and experience the love and mercy of Christ in us. We are His witnesses, not because of what we have seen, but because of what we believe (John 20:29). Let your good works of mercy, corporally and spiritually, touch the hearts of others and open their eyes to see Jesus. Allow the power of the Holy Spirit to stir in you and free you to be Christ for others. The Christ whom we desire and receive in the Eucharist is the same Christ whom we are called to announce to the world (Ephesians 2:10). St. Teresa of A vila reminds us that “Christ has no body now on earth but yours. No hands, no feet on earth but yours.“ He is risen, He is real, and not a ghost.”

There are many opportunities to experience the rich bounty of Lent and Easter. Join us in church in person or online for daily Mass, the Stations of the Cross and an array of devotional prayers. Visit, use and share our parish access to FORMED.org. If you know of folks who do not have digital access … share a downloaded hardcopy of the weekly parish bulletin with them. Stay safe and connected. May God bless, guard and guide you!

With you in the peace of Christ,

Rev. John P. Alvarado